Available in Dependency Control
If you use arch1t3cht's Aegisub,then it comes with a feature to visually group and collapse lines in the subtitle grid called folds.
This script allows you to perform various operations on such folds.
If you have only one line selected, this script will function on the fold surrounding that line. If you select multiple lines, then the script will operate on all the folds around all the selected lines. So in this way you can either operate on a single fold or multiple folds. You can operate on any fold if you select even a single line of that fold. You do not need to open a fold to operate on it, if it's closed.
Fold Operations Menu:
Fold Operations GUI:
Before I explain the usage of this script, there are two popular ways I've
noticed people use folds. One is to simply select all the lines and create
folds and another is to add commented lines at the start and end of lines where
the first line has name for the fold. If you use commented lines, go to the GUI
of the script and tick Comments around fold
under config before doing
anything else.
I prefer to use comments around my fold since it is cleaner and instantly allows me to recognize the signs among the list of folds. This script has an operation that will allow you to easily create named folds with comments.
Select Fold
This selects all the lines in fold. If you want to, for example, run ASSWipe
on all lines in a fold, use this to select all the lines and wipe.
Create Fold Around Selected Lines
Select all the lines which you want to add to fold and run this. A GUI will prompt you to enter name for the fold. The script will then insert commented lines with name and create a fold with selected lines.
If the fold is nested, it will show you by the number of arrows before fold names.
Comment Fold
This comments all the lines in fold. If a line was already commented before running this, the script remembers it.
Uncomment Fold
This uncomments all the lines in fold.
If the script remembers that a line was commented before running
Comment Fold
, it does not uncomment them.
Toggle Comments in Fold
This toggles the comments inside the current fold.
Any commented lines will become uncommented, and vice versa.
If the fold was commented using Comment Fold
the state of the already commented folds is respected.
Comment or Uncomment Fold
Comment the lines of fold if it contains any uncommented lines, otherwise uncomment it all.
Delete Fold
This deletes all the lines of fold.
Clear Fold
This removes the fold without removing the lines itself. If you use comments around the fold, it will remove that as well.
Copy Fold
This copies all the lines in fold along with it's fold state and styles to system clipboard.
Cut Fold
This copies all the lines in fold along with it's fold state and styles to system clipboard and deletes the fold.
Paste Fold
This pastes all the lines in that was copied or cut using this script. The fold copied from one Aegisub window can be pasted in the same or different Aegisub window.
If the file in another Aegisub window does not have styles of copied lines, those styles will also be added to new file.