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This is a module that will contain a lot of extensions for ASSFoundation. Given how the development in ASSFoundation has not progressed for years, this is the only way for me to add more features to it. This will either fix things in ASSFoundation, extend an existing feature or add a feature that does not exist at all.


This acts on the line collected by LineCollection.


This collects all the tag's names present in the selected lines. Additionally, it collects information like if there are start tags, inline tags and transforms present in the line or not.

Arguments Meaning Type Default Value
lines LineCollection line table table -
errorOnNoTags Exit the script if no tags were collected with a message boolean false
checkDrawing Also collects \p tags boolean false
Returns Description Type
collection A table with all the info collectd table

The collection returns a table in the following format:

collection =
    tagList: {}
    tagTypes: {start_tag: false, inline_tags: false, transforms: false}
    multiple_inline_tags: false


lines = LineCollection sub, sel
return if #lines.lines == 0
collection = AssfPlus.LineCollection.collectTags lines

Line Data


This is similar to getLineBounds of ASSFoundation but this allows you to get the line bounds after removing border, shadows, clip and blur. All of these tags affect the line bounds. So when I need to find the line bounds of fill of text only for example, I can disable them and get actual line bounds.

Arguments Meaning Type Default Value
data Assf Line Contents - -
noBordShad bounds without border and shadow boolean false
noClip bounds without clips boolean false
noBlur bounds without blur boolean false
noPerspective bounds without perspective boolean false
Returns Description Type
bounds Line bounds same as assf Table
data = ASS\parse line

-- This will give you the same result as assf will.
bounds = lineData.getLineBounds data

-- This will give you line bounds after removing borders and shadows
bounds = lineData.getLineBounds data, true

-- This will give you line bounds after removing, borders, shadows, clips, blurs and perspective.
bounds = lineData.getLineBounds data, true, true, true, true


It's purpose is just like getLineBounds but this will give you the co-ordinates of the bounding box. It's just a convenience function.

Same as getLineBounds
Returns Type
x1, y1, x2, y2 Number
data = ASS\parse line
x1, y1, x2, y2 = lineData.getBoundingBox data, true


Find out if there is a tag section before text section or drawing section.

Arguments Meaning Type Default Value
data Assf Line Contents - -
Returns Type
true if there is a tag section in the beginning boolean
the index of start tag section integer


While assf does have a trim method, it only trims the spaces from the beginning and the end of the line but it does not trim spaces around line breaks. These spaces can mess up calculation of text extents.

Arguments Meaning Type Default Value
data Assf Line Contents - -
data = ASS\parse line


There is really no way to convert text to shape in Linux reliably (not even ILL at the time of this writing) and there is no way to use Assf to convert text to shape in any OS at all. This is just a temporary workaround until a proper fix for it is made.

There were two main problems that I faced:

  • Any text that is more than 18 characters are truncated when converted to shapes. I fixed this by splitting the text into chunks of 15 characters, converting them to shape and then appending them together.
  • There were many fonts where the aegisub.text_extents and pangocairo gave wrong font extents and metrics. This caused the converted shape to be scaled incorrectly. I tried to fix it by using SubInspector which correctly returns bounds of the actual generated bitmaps.

The resulting shape has an alignment of 7, scale of 100 and is anchored to position (0,0).

Known cases where it may not work:

  • Gradient by character
  • Negative spacing
Arguments Meaning Type Default Value
data Assf Line Contents - -
Returns Type
Shape String
Width Number
Height Number
data = ASS\parse line
shape = lineData.getTextShape data
shape, width, height = lineData.getTextShape data


Convert and replace the text in current line to shape.

Arguments Meaning Type Default Value
data Assf Line Contents - -
data = ASS\parse line
lineData.convertTextToShape data


Change alignment of a line while maintaining its position.

Arguments Meaning Type Default Value
data Assf Line Contents - -
alignment Alignment to change to number 7
data = ASS\parse line
lineData.changeAlignment data, 5


This inserts transform tags. Honestly this exists because I could not figure out how to insert transform tags natively.

Arguments Meaning Type Default Value
data Assf Line Contents - -
tags Table of Assf Tag Object table -
t1 Start time of transform in miliseconds integer -
t2 End time of transform in miliseconds integer -
accel Accel of transform float -
index Index of Assf section in which to insert transform tag integer 1
sectionPosition Position within an Assf section in which to insert transform tag integer -
direct if true, considers all sections and attempts to insert in that section if that section is tag section. if false it only considers tag sections boolean false
AssfPlus.lineData.insertTransformTag data, {ASS\createTag('alpha1', 0)},
    0, 200, 0.5, 1, _, true

Text Section


While you don't necessarily don't need getTags in a text section, I sometimes find myself needing to know which tags actually exists in the line rather than effective tags in the line. If you want to act on a tag, it's still better to use getEffectiveTags btw. This is for getting information on which tags exists in line for the current text section.

Arguments Meaning Type Default Value
data Assf Line Contents - -
section Assf text section - -
listOnly if you only need list of tag names boolean false
Assf tagList if listOnly is false, list of tag's name if listOnly is true
tags = textSection.getTags data, section
if tags.fontname
    -- do things here if \fn exists in the line before this section

Get the list of tag names only

tags = textSection.getTags data, section, true

Tag Section


Replace tags method does not exist for tag section.

Arguments Meaning Type
section Assf Tag Section -
tags Table of Assf Tag Objects -
index Index at which to add the replaced tag Number

Index can be -1 to add the tag at the end of the tag section. If the tag section contains reset tag, then the tags will automatically add it to the end of the tag section.

AssfPlus.tagSection.replaceTags section, {
    ASS\createTag("outline", 0),
    ASS\createTag("shadow", 0),
    ASS\createTag("alpha4", 255),
}, -1




Extract the R, G and B value of a color. The input can be the color string or a color object made by Assf.

Arguments Type
color colorString or {r, g, b} or assf color tag
Returns Type
r, g, b Number
r, g, b = _tag.color.extractColor "&H1010CF&"
r, g, b = _tag.color.extractColor {73, 201, 37}
r, g, b = _tag.color.extractColor {ASS\createTag "color1", 73, 201, 37}


This will compare 2 colors to check how similar they are. The similarity is based on human perception. If delta E value is less than 1, then they appear the same for human eyes. If they're 1 - 2, then they need to be observed carefully to find difference.

Arguments Type
color1 colorString or {r, g, b} or assf color tag
color2 colorString or {r, g, b} or assf color tag
Returns Type
delta E value Number
deltaEValue = _tag.color.getDeltaE "&H1010CF&", "&H1515A9&"
deltaEValue = _tag.color.getDeltaE {73, 201, 37}, {169, 21, 21}
deltaEValue = _tag.color.getDeltaE {ASS\createTag "color1", 73, 201, 37}, {ASS\createTag "color1", 169, 21, 21}


Converts RGB to XYZ. I needed to convert the color from RGB to XYZ to LAB for delta E calculation. That's the only reason why this exists.

Arguments Type
color colorString or {r, g, b} or assf color tag
Returns Type
X, Y, Z Number
X, Y, Z = _tag.color.getXYZ "&H1010CF&"
X, Y, Z = _tag.color.getXYZ {73, 201, 37}
X, Y, Z = _tag.color.getXYZ {ASS\createTag "color1", 73, 201, 37}


Converts RGB to LAB.

Arguments Type
color colorString or {r, g, b} or assf color tag
Returns Type
L, A, B Number
L, A, B = _tag.color.getLAB "&H1010CF&"
L, A, B = _tag.color.getLAB {73, 201, 37}
L, A, B = _tag.color.getLAB {ASS\createTag "color1", 73, 201, 37}



This allows us to perform various boolean operations in shapes. This depends on ILL.

This takes the shape1 and shape2, performs the boolean operation on them and then the resulting shape is saved on shape1.

The different modes are "Unite", "Intersect", "Difference" and "Exclude"

Arguments Type
mode string
shape1 Assf Drawing Section or Assf Drawing
shape2 Assf drawing Seciton or Assf Drawing or Assf rectangular clip or Assf vectorial clip
_shape.pathfinder "Intersect", shape1, shape2


These are some of the functions that are not necessarily related to assf.


This saves the original line in extradata so that the changes made by scripts can be reverted later on. The extradata name provided should be unique to that script.

Arguments Type
line Aegsiub line or LineCollection line
extradataName string
for line in *sel
    _util.setOgLineExtradata line, "a-mo"


This reverts the line if there is original line present in extradata saved using setOgLineExtradata.

Arguments Type
sub subtitle table from Aegisub api
sel selected line table from Aegisub api
extradataName string
for line in *sel
    _util.revertLines sub, sel, "a-mo"


This shows the message and exits the script

Arguments Type
errorMessage string
_util.windowError "This is an error message."


This shows the message and exits the script if the condition is false.

Arguments Type
condition boolean
errorMessage string
_util.windowError a > b, "a was not greater than b unfortunately."

Progress Reporting

This shows a progress bar and counter as well as a title for the progress window.

Arguments Meaning Type
title Title of the window string
count current count integer
total total count integer
Assf._util.progress "Removing Lines", 1, 100

Check Cancellation

This checks if user has cancelled the script and if they have then stops the further execution of the script.



This checks if a video is loaded or not in the current subtitle file.

boolean true if video is open, boolean flase if video is not open
if Assf._util.checkVideoIsOpen!
    -- do something here if video is open
    -- do something here if video is closed


The gets the framerate of the video that is open. The framerate is in frame per second. If the video is not open the framerate returned is 23.379 fps.

Arguments Meaning Default Value
default_framerate Framerate returned if video is not open 23.379
framerate in frame per second
fps = Assf._util.getFramerate!


This module stands on the shoulders of giants that did most of the work.

  • ASSFoundation (Obviously)
  • Perspective by Arch (For things related to perspective)
  • ILL (For things related to shapes)
  • Yutils
  • SubInspector